
Things to know before running a marathon

By 27th July 2021 No Comments

Whether you’re crossing it off of your bucket list, just running for fun or are trying to accomplish a fitness goal, whatever your reason for running a marathon it’s important to know what you’re in for.


  1. Be ready to work hard

Keep in mind that running a marathon is difficult, you’ll need to be committed to training. Prepping yourself to run such a long distance can be tedious, there will be days when you can’t be bothered or feel tired but it’s important to keep pushing forward!


  1. Train, train, train!

Most likely if you’re reading this article you’ve not ran a marathon before, so make sure you prep for it as best you can. Check that you’re drinking enough water to stay hydrated and eating enough to fuel yourself. Then set yourself a training plan, start on a low mileage and slowly increase. Pick the marathon you’re signing up to in advance so you know the distance you’ve got to work for, could be a half marathon, The London marathon, Manchester marathon, Leeds- whichever distance or running event you go for plan to work yourself up to it gradually.


  1. Celebrate your accomplishments

No matter how small the accomplishment is, be sure to appreciate how far you’re coming along. Remember it is quite literally a marathon and not a sprint. Don’t focus on speed, train for endurance until you’re more confident, then you can try to beat personal bests. Every run you complete where you come home, sweat dripping down your face, tired, legs weak, just remind yourself of how rewarding it’ll be to cross that finish line.


The takeaway

Basically, training and running is hard- but it’s worth it. Enjoy being motivated and earning that fulfilling feeling of completing a personal target. Why not have a read of some of the benefits of running. It’s great for self esteem, confidence and just being a massive mood lifter in general!


Why not celebrate your achievements with a bespoke marathon race print? Have a stylised custom running poster hanging on your wall to remind yourself of how proud you should be. We provide personalisation’s to posters- have your own custom messages, finish time and date of the race on show. Take it a step further, we can use your Strava GPS data to create bespoke prints; simply send the URL of your chosen activity and we’ll do the rest.


So, go have lots of fun running and then sprint back to our site for a customised race map, be sure to tag us in your achievements on Instagram!

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