
Lockdown Running to Marathon Races

By 2nd June 2021 No Comments

When we were stuck inside many people took to the streets to escape lockdown cabin fever. At first it was just simple jogging, running for fun to pass the time but now that lockdown is over many people are considering getting more serious about running.

It’s great to see the public getting fit! However, marathon running is a completely different ballpark. We’ve compiled some useful things you can do to make that switch from running for fun to running for marathons that bit less harsh.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

Endurance runs take time to train for, you probably won’t be fit enough to run 5k from the off and that is completely fine. There’s a lot of training that goes into it, you can still have fun running whilst training but it is more than likely that the entirety of the journey isn’t all going to be enjoyable. Push through the blips and you’ll soon gain motivation again.

People running

Mix things up

Training usually calls for at least one long run per week. As the mileage progresses you may find you get bored. A way to counteract this could be running in a group, which is now allowed since we’re out of lockdown. It’ll give you someone to talk to and keep you distracted from your aching legs. Also, having a running group or partner is a great form of encouragement, push each other forward.

Try different routes. A change of scenery keeps the mind active as well as the body, we’ve been stuck inside for far too long so maybe try a new route, in the countryside or at the beach even.

People running on a hill

Stop worrying!

Most beginners are concerned they’ll be the last person to cross the finish line, rest assured you probably won’t be. There are people that choose to walk the entire event, and even if you did come last or close to last no one is judging you for that- be proud you partook in the event!


A good way to celebrate your achievements after the marathon is with a custom marathon race print. Our posters are a brilliant way to showcase your triumphs, remind yourself of how far you’ve come.


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